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The Ladies Ministry of CrossPoint Apostolic Sanctuary attempts to fulfill our mission statement. We want ladies who reach out. Reaching out to other ladies, reaching out to their families, reaching out to their friends, and others in their lives. We encourage one another; encouragement by having regular fellowships, making phone calls and text messages, giving gifts through our secret sister ministry, and many other facets. We adore God - in our services through worship and singing, through a lifestyle of holiness and separation, through obedience to the Word of God, and through service to our families and our church. We live free - free from worry that overwhelms us in this life, free from the guilt of our past mistakes and our shortcomings, and free from the bondage of sin as God has made us free.


Sis. Garvin leads our REAL Ladies Ministry with excellence. She not only serves as the Pastor's Wife, but invests in the women of the church. Through her leadership, we have seen women blessed, and grow in their relationship with God. For more information about our Ladies Ministry, please contact us here and we would  be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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